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'PE'에 해당되는 글 2

  1. 2021.01.26 케이블 전문용어
  2. 2020.09.14 엔지니어링 관리용어 및 업무내용
2021. 1. 26. 15:53

케이블 전문용어 계장설비2021. 1. 26. 15:53


  Cable Terminology / 케이블 전문용어

List of electrical and instrumentation cable terminology and definitions.
전기 및 계측 케이블 용어 및 정의 목록

1. AWA (Aluminium Wire Armour)
2. CPE (Chlorinated Polyethylene)
3. CSP / CSPE (Chlorosulphanated Polyethylene)
4. Dekoron®
5. DWA (Double Wire Armour)
6. EPR (Ethylene Propylene Rubber)
7. FR (Fire Resistant / Flame Retardant)
8. GSWB (Galvanised Steel Wire Braid)
9. HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)
10. HF (Halogen Free)
11. HOFR (Heat, Oil and Flame Retardant)
12. LAS (Lead Armour Sheath)
13. LSF (Low Smoke and Fumes)
14. LSTA (Low Smoke, Toxicity and Acidity)
15. LSZH / LS0H (Low Smoke, Zero Halogen)
16. MGT (Mica Glass Tape)
18. Neoprene®
19. NYL (Nylon sheath)
20. PCP (Polychloroprene)
21. PE (Polyethylene)
22. PETP (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
23. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
24. SCN (Screen)
25. SHF2
26. SWA (Steel Wire Armour) , SWB (Steel Wire Braid)
27. TAC (Tinned Annealed Copper)
28. TCWB (Tinned Copper Wire Braid)
29. TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer)
30. XLPE (Cross-Linked Polyethylene)

AWA (Aluminium Wire Armour)
A type of cable armouring for mechanical protection, used for 3 phase cables.

CPE (Chlorinated Polyethylene)
An oil, ozone and heat resistant thermoplastic sheathing material.

CSP / CSPE (Chlorosulphanated Polyethylene)
An oil, ozone and heat resistant elastomeric compound used as bedding and outer sheath material.
DuPont manufacture this material under the registered trade name "Hypalon".

Registered trade name for a range of instrumentation cables insulated and sheathed with a flame retardant PVC.
The standard range includes up to 50 pairs and up to 36 triples in either 0.5mm2 or 1.5mm2 conductors.
Larger conductors may be specified, as can options of Lead Sheathing, SWA, or HF insulation and sheath materials.

DWA (Double Wire Armour)
Two layers of wire armour. Typically used in subsea cables and wrapped contra-helically for bottom stability.

EPR (Ethylene Propylene Rubber)
A water and ozone resistant, flexible, cross linked high grade insulation material and sometimes as a sheathing material.

FR (Fire Resistant / Flame Retardant)
Fire Resistant - the property of cables to continue to function while under the influence of fire.
Cables that are Fire Resistant tend to provide circuit integrity even when burned and maintains integrity after the fire has extinguished.
In most cases, the cables will withstand a water spray and still provide circuit integrity.

Flame Retardant - the property of cables to retard or slow the progress of fire and flame along the cable.

This is achieved through the use of materials that do not readily burn and will tend to self-extinguish.

GSWB (Galvanised Steel Wire Braid)
A type of cable armouring for mechanical protection.

HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)
Generally used as a subsea cable sheathing material where it provides high resistance to water penetration,
is very hard, has low coefficient of friction, and is abrasion resistant.

HF (Halogen Free)
Halogenated plastics (ie. those that contain chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine and astatine)
when ignited will tend to release toxic and corrosive gases, which has potential safety implications, eg. obstruction of escape routes.
Halogen free plastics, as the name suggests, do not contain halogens.

HOFR (Heat, Oil and Flame Retardant)
Refer to FR (flame retardant).

LAS (Lead Armour Sheath)
Used for chemical protection against petrochemicals and other chemicals, that can weaken the insulation materials used.

The lead sheath sits under the mechanical protection (e.g. SWA), to ensure the chemical barrier isn't compromised.

LSF (Low Smoke and Fumes)
Low smoke and fume emissions when the cable is on fire. Note that it may still contain halogens.

LSTA (Low Smoke, Toxicity and Acidity)
Uncommonly used term for bedding and sheathing materials with low smoke, toxicity and acidity properties.
Halogen free materials such as SHF2 are more or less equivalent to LSTA materials.

LSZH / LS0H (Low Smoke, Zero Halogen)
Refer to HF (halogen free).

MGT (Mica Glass Tape)

A fire resistant tape usually wrapped around the insulated conductor bundle beneath the innear sheath.

Mineral-insulated copper-clad cable is a variety of electrical cable made from copper conductors inside a copper sheath,
insulated by inorganic magnesium oxide powder.
The name is often abbreviated to MICC or MI cable, and colloquially known as pyro
(because the original manufacturer and vendor for this product in the UK is a company called Pyrotenax).
A similar product sheathed with metals other than copper is called mineral insulated metal sheathed (MIMS) cable.

Refer to PCP (polychroloprene)

NYL (Nylon sheath)
A nylon sheath (or sometimes described as a sock) is typically used for termite protection in underground cables and also as a sheathing material.

PCP (Polychloroprene)
This is an oil resistant, tough sheathing material, that is used mainly in mining cables as an outer sheath.
DuPont registered trade name for this product is "Neoprene".

PE (Polyethylene)
Thermoplastic used as a insulation and sheathing material.

PETP (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
A polymer resin used in semi-metallic screens eg. PETP/Al

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
Commonly used thermoplastic insulation and sheathing material.

SCN (Screen)
A tape or braid, usually metallic (copper, aluminium) or semi-metallic (PETP/Al),
wrapped around the cable cores to keep out or contain unwanted radiation / interference.

Halogen free elastomeric compound commonly used for inner sheath / bedding and outer sheathing materials.

SWA (Steel Wire Armour)
A type of cable armouring for mechanical protection.

TAC (Tinned Annealed Copper)
Annealed copper conductors with surface tinning for rust prevention.
Annealing refers to the process of gradually heating and cooling the copper making it more malleable and less brittle.

TCWB (Tinned Copper Wire Braid)
Typically used for flexible cable armouring of instrument cables.

TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer)
A plastic material compounded so it displays characteristics like an elastomer.
TPE is normally tough, cut resistant, flexible, smooth, with vibrant colouring.

XLPE (Cross-Linked Polyethylene)
High grade insulation material of cross-linked polyethylene chains giving good high temperature performance.

Posted by 날자아범

1) PD : Project Director의 약자로 업무 내용은 아래와 같다.

Project의 전반적인 관리 및 승인 업무를 관장

사업수행 전담조직 구성을 위한 주요인원 선정

Owner/Client와의 계약관리 업무를 지시, 검토 및 승인

SchedulingEstimate 업무를 수행토록 지시, 검토 및 승인

Cost Trend Change Order를 승인

조직에 대한 상세 업무분장 및 운영계획의 검토 및 승인


2) PM : Project Manager의 약자로 업무 내용은 아래와 같다.

Project Staff를 구성하기 위해 Project Engineer, Engineering Manager, Coordinator, Controller Administrator를 선정

Staff 진에 대한 상세 업무분장 및 운영계획을 작성

모든 Project 경비를 승인, 관리하며, 종합적인 Project Budget 관리업무를 수행

Owner/ClientP.M들과의 긴밀한 접촉을 유지하며, Project에 관련된 모든 대외 공문에 회사를 대표하여, Owner/Client Third에 대하여 본 Project에 관한 공식 Channel이 된다.

기타 사업수행 전반에 관한 사항


3) PE : Project Engineer의 약자로 업무 내용은 아래와 같다.

P.M업무를 보좌하고 P.M의 지시사항을 수행

정기적인 보고서 등을 취합, 작성하여 P.M에게 보고, P.M이 경영진과 Owner/Client에게 진도 및 계획 등을 보고할 수 있도록 조치

계약 내용을 상세히 파악하고 P.M을 보좌하여 이를 이행

P.M을 보좌하여 조직 내의 Engineering, Procurement 등의 부문간 Coordina-Tion 업무를 수행


4) Schedule Controller : 업무 내용은 아래와 같다.

Engineering Construction Cpm의 검토, 분석 Update

공정 회의 시 P.M에게 Schedule Status를 제공하여 공정계획 달성을 도모

Progress Measurement System을 작성 Owner/Client의 승인을 획득

Change Order 사항의 발생 시 Project Schedule의 파급 영향 및 대처방안제시


5) Cost Controller : 업무 내용은 아래와 같다.

Project 집행계획서를 작성 P.M에게 보고

Project 비용을 관리 통제하며, 각 부문별 Cost Report를 취합, P.M에게 보고

Cash Flow Table CurveUpdate

ProgressProject Budge를 비교 분석


6) Document Controller : 업무 내용은 아래와 같다.

Engineering에 대한 각종 Document Drawing의 접수 및 복사, 배포, 발송을 담당

Project 관련 모든 Drawing Document Master Filing 업무를 담당


7) LE : Lead Engineer의 약자로 업무 내용은 다음과 같다.

DisciplineCost Estimate, Schedule, Manpower Requirement 등을 작성

P.M/E.M이 요청하는 Engineering 관련자료 등을 작성, 통보

Technical Clarification 사항 등을 작성, 해결

Engineering And Design Data, Code, Spec Calculation Sheet등을 준비

DisciplineManhour, Schedule, Output Data, 외주업체 등을 관리

Equipment Specification Engineering Manual을 작성, 관리

Owner/Client의 담당 Engineer Engineering Team Member와의 Coordination업무를 수행

Discipline Drawing, Specification, 각종 Data, Vendor Data 등을 Check 또는 승인

Vendor Quotation에 대한 Tbe(Tba)를 실시하여 결과 통보

Vendor DataReview하고 Approve


Posted by 날자아범